CPU Spy Reborn
CPU Spy Reborn is based on CPU Spy.
The app shows most common infos about your device and your frequencies stats. Thou some device (most HTC devices) may be officially unsupported (HTC One) and unofficially unsupported due to some HTC kernel info restrictions.
there s always a way to improve ourselves, so if you have any advices I m ready to hear your point of view, the only condition is the way you ask, be honest but above all be kind, sentences too arrogant will just be ignored.
Keep in mind the app is free and ad-free, so I dont earn any money on it, neither if you install nor if you don t.
App will be developed until the work it s worth to be continued, a too low rating obviously will be received as a "we don t need, don t waste time on it".
Said that, let s see the permissions the app requires, what they need, and where they re used.
Used to get google+ account, in case we want login with google+, this step is not obligatory, choice to you.
Used if we wanna login, or if we wanna share our app contents via MMS, email, social networks. this step is not obligatory, choice to you.
Permission to invalidate tokens (for your security) in case you wanna login with google+. this step is not obligatory, choice to you.
Used to notify the user that has no internet coverage in case he wanna login with google+. this step is not obligatory, choice to you.
Used to save a local screenshot. This is required if you wanna share stats.
Note: the local image will always be overwritten with the newer to save space. this step is not obligatory, choice to you.
As you can see none of these permissions is used unless you decide to use it, and you by downloading the app are accepting the fact that the app requires these permissions to work in every its feature, so I don t expect people complainting about permissions, but as i said before every advice to improve the app and avoid some permission is welcome.
Thanks for reading, wish you a good day and enjoying the app.
-customize navigation drawer menu (text only, icon only, text and icon, show or hide support menu)
-customize background for share screen (choose 4 different backgrounds). Backgrounds are just instant
الرمز المميز الأكثر وضوحًا للوصول إلى إصدار Hunt Mega Edition المستمر هو من تجربة Eat the World ، لأن كل ما عليك فعله هو إطعام العملاق Noob
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نظرًا لكونه FPS Roblox ، تم اختيار Arsenal كواحدة من الألعاب التي تشكل جزءًا من حدث The Hunt Mega Edition لهذا العام بواسطة Roblox. لهذا ، أ
الرقص على النصر!
هناك رمز ميجا؟!
يعد Metro Life جزءًا من حدث The Hunt Mega Edition لهذا العام بواسطة Roblox. يتميز هذا الحدث بسعي حصري سيكافئك برمز مطاردة
يمكنك بسهولة تنزيل الإصدار الأحدث من CPU Spy Reborn! على موقعنا الإلكتروني. لا حاجة للتسجيل أو إرسال رسائل نصية قصيرة!